About the band…

THE MOST FALCONS feature the signature guitar talents of Scott Bodine. His unique style and acrobatic approach to playing the guitar is the devotional zenith of the band’s music. Joe Rosenblum and Eric Johnson are the ideal dynamic rhythm duo over which Scott floats his ethereal rock venom. Joe’s drums cut and punch the way for Eric’s bass to set the hulky understructure. Flashes of double kick drum dig the trench of exploratory bass lines. Eric’s bass playing isn’t just holding it down. He and Joe are animals of their respective instruments making this a true trio of powerful players. Brad Swiniarski provides a narration of sorts. The music informs his attitude and his vocals draw from the emotional sewer it digs. This is the worst version of Brad Swiniarski. The Falcons music is where he dumps his dark matter. Life ain’t easy. Nobody said it was going to be and it’s not. This isn’t the world we saw in our middle school social studies text books. The people we love the deepest will hurt and disappoint us the most. Relationships get rocky. People change. Existence works wonders on us all. We get what we get and we don’t get upset. Nobody asks to be born. He’s not exactly proud of sharing it but… art is vital. That’s the beauty of music. It’s a safe place for absolute candor. It’s also a safe place for playful antagonism. The band’s music can hit hard and feel dark but it is made with a sneer of whimsy and a shit eating grin. Try to have fun with it. The darkness is real. So is the light.